The Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes

Delve into the archives of the world's most famous detective

Sherlock's Chronicles

A comical image of Sherlock Holmes' iconic deerstalker hat with magnifying glass hovering over it, implying it's missing

The Curious Case of the Stolen Deerstalker

A humorous blog post about the mysterious disappearance of Sherlock's iconic hat from the museum and the subsequent investigation.

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A detailed 3D rendering of the interior of 221B Baker Street, showing Sherlock's study with his violin, chemistry set, and iconic pipe

221B Baker Street: A Virtual Tour

An immersive blog post featuring a detailed virtual tour of Sherlock Holmes' famous residence, highlighting key artifacts and rooms.

An infographic showing Sherlock's thought process, with branching paths and deductive leaps illustrated in a Victorian-style diagram

Elementary, My Dear Watson: Decoding Holmes' Methods

An analytical blog post exploring Sherlock's deductive reasoning techniques and how visitors can apply them in our museum quests.

A behind-the-scenes photo showing the creation of a spooky Baskerville Hall set, with fog machines and a large animatronic hound

The Hound of the Baskervilles: Behind the Scenes

A behind-the-scenes look at how we created our most popular quest based on the famous Sherlock Holmes novel.

A split image showing Victorian-era London on one side and modern London on the other, with key landmarks highlighted

Sherlock's London: Then and Now

A comparative blog post examining the changes in London from Holmes' era to today, with a focus on locations featured in the stories and our quests.

Time Travel